卓越论坛 英文 (卓越论坛英文怎么说)

天津桑拿 04-29 阅读:8 评论:0
卓越论坛 英文 (卓越论坛英文怎么说)

The Chinese phrase "卓越论坛" can be translated to English as "Excellence Forum."

How to use "卓越论坛" in a sentence

  1. "卓越论坛" 是一场关于教育的国际会议。(The Excellence Forum is an international conference on education.)
  2. 来自世界各地的教育专家齐聚 "卓越论坛",分享创新教学方法。(Educational experts fromaround the world gathered at the Excellence Forum to share innovative teaching practices.)
  3. "卓越论坛" 为教育工作者提供了一个交流想法、讨论最佳实践并学习新趋势的平台。(The Excellence Forum provides a platform for educators to exchange ideas, discuss best practices, and learn about new trends.)

Additional information

  • The Excellence Forum is an annual event held in Beijing, China.
  • The forum is organized by the Chinese Ministry of Education and the Beijing Municipal Government.
  • The forum attracts over 1,000 participants from over 100 countries each year.

Example sentences with "Excellence Forum"

  1. The Minister of Education delivered a keynote speech at the Excellence Forum.
  2. Experts from the World Bank and UNESCO presented their research at the Excellence Forum.
  3. Attendees at the Excellence Forum had the opportunity to visit schools and learn about innovative educational practices in China.


The Excellence Forum is a valuable event for educators from around the world. It provides a platform for sharing ideas, discussing best practices, and learning about new trends in education.I hope this article has been helpful in answering your question. If you have any other questions, please feel free to leave a comment below.


